NDPTL has set up a new expert group on digitalization and automation of transport, the Ad-hoc NDPTL Correspondence Group on Digitalisation (NDPTL CGD). The new ad-hoc group, consisting of nominated experts in the field of digitalization of transport and logistics from the NDPTL member countries and the EU Commission, has been established for an initial trial period of two years (20.10.2021-19.10.2023) after which its continuation or formalization will be reconsidered. During the two-year trial period the NDPTL CGD will be Chaired by Egidjius Skrodenis (Lithuania).
The task of the CGD is to advise, and make concrete proposals to, the NDPTL Steering Committee on decisions to implement the focus area “Digitalisation, robotisation and automatization of the transport industry including autonomous vehicles and vessels” included in the NDPTL Road Map 2019-2024. While most of the work will take the form of correspondence the mandate enables also the organization of meetings and events for the wider public.
In practical terms the first-year work within the group will closely follow the implementation of the recently approved NDPTL project (001-2021 eCMR in ND Region) and its work packages. Foreseen CGD output of the first year include an NDPTL overview report on the legal framework of the Partnership countries on the exchange electronic transport and logistics data directly relevant for implementation of the eCMR platform. as well as proposals to SC on recommendations for the public sector information systems of the NDPTL partners to exchange electronic transport and logistics data as required by eCMR implementation.
The NDPTL CGD consists of experts nominated by the NDPTL partner contacts points on a voluntary basis. If you are an expert interested in participating and based in a NDPTL member country, please take contact with the Secretariat and we will put you in contact with your national contact point.